10 Cheap and Free online bachelors degree courses with certificates

Earning a bachelor’s degree may require significant time and financial commitment. However, the selection of the cheapest online bachelor’s degree courses with certificates has grown recently. For those pursuing higher education, these courses provide exceptional opportunities while minimizing the financial strain.

Typically, these degrees include courses in various subject areas, including education, computer science, healthcare, business, and psychology, among others. The curriculum intends to offer a thorough education comparable to a conventional on-campus bachelor’s degree program. They frequently incorporate foundational and advanced coursework, covering a broad range of subjects.

These programs’ capacity to award certificates following completing the course requirements is one of their main benefits. These certifications are concrete evidence of success and can be useful for boosting one’s résumé or showcasing abilities to potential employers.

In general, the cheapest online bachelor’s degree programs with certificates are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to further their education without having to worry about paying high regular tuition costs. They provide adaptability, accessibility, and the chance to learn crucial information and skills in a particular area of study.

With no further ado, let us look at the cheapest online bachelor’s degree courses with certificates.

Free online bachelors degree courses with certificates

Most times, the cost of tuition, housing, and other charges can make pursuing a standard on-campus bachelor’s degree unaffordable. Students who cannot afford the exorbitant prices of traditional education have the chance to obtain a degree without financial strain thanks to free online degree programs.

Students can access free bachelor’s degree courses with certificates online from anywhere globally as long as they have a dependable internet connection. Because of this accessibility, those who might not have access to conventional educational institutions can pursue higher education despite geographical restrictions.

In this article, we will be unveiling various free online bachelor’s degree courses with certificates.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

This is an excellent course on our list of free online bachelor’s degree courses with certificates offered by the University of the People. Here, students learn in-demand abilities that will equip them to lead teams and solve real-world business issues confidently. This degree provides the ideal groundwork for pursuing a master’s degree or advancing your job.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

This is another great course on our list of free online bachelor’s degree courses with certificates offered by the University of the People. Students learn the most recent programming, software, and computer technologies while gaining in-demand skills to enter one of the industries with the greatest rate of growth in the world. With a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of the People, you may achieve any of your goals, including dominating the IT sector or setting the stage for a graduate degree.

Bachelor of Science in Health Science

I guess the University of the People was given the name for a purpose as they strive to give students hope of securing a bachelor’s degree without breaking the bank. This is one of the free online bachelor’s degree courses offered by the university which enables students to gain creative skills to enhance patient care and wellbeing as they get ready for an exciting healthcare career. This degree provides the ideal groundwork for pursuing a master’s degree or advancing your job.

Cheapest online bachelors degree courses with certificates

Given that the price of education varies based on the institution, program, and region, it might be difficult to find the cheapest online bachelor’s degree courses with certificates. There are, however, several affordable alternatives.

Let us quickly look at them:

#1. Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences

The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences is a four-year program that provides students with a broad, general education as well as training in specific fields. The curriculum includes classes in art, music, theatre, dance, communications and visual arts. Students also complete courses in business administration and management.

Students who complete the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree can pursue careers in a variety of fields including art therapy, graphic design, advertising, marketing communications and public relations.

This degree is designed to give you a strong foundation in the arts and sciences, but also gives you the flexibility to choose a career path that best suits your interests and abilities. As a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences student, you will have the option of taking courses in one or more areas of study including:

Art (Visual Arts)

Home Economics

Music (Composition/Performance)

Science (Biology/Physical Science)

Social Science (Economics/Political Science)

Program Overview

  • Accredited Diploma offered by University of North Texas
  • 30 credit hours minimum from an accredited institution
  • The course is 100% online
  • 120 credit Degree (Transfer at least 30 hours of credit towards the 120 credit degree. 15+ hours/wk)
  • $330 USD/credit hour for most.

You can Visit Coursera to get start Immediately

#2. Bachelor of Science in Finance

The Bachelor of Science in Finance is a degree that can be completed in as little as three years. It’s a great option for students who want to pursue an advanced degree but don’t have time to take longer programs.

The Bachelor of Science in Finance requires coursework in subjects like accounting, finance, economics, and more. This program also requires you to complete a capstone project.

The capstone project will give you the chance to apply what you have learned throughout your college career and use it in a real-world setting. You will be able to demonstrate your skills by applying them to an actual business situation and working with other professionals on a team.

#3. Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

This course is ideal for students who want to learn more about politics, policy and law. It is a great choice for those who want to pursue a career in government or public administration. The course covers topics such as political philosophy, history of government and politics, political theory, international relations and comparative politics.

The course is offered by Pusan National University (PNU) in South Korea. PNU is one of the top universities in South Korea offering bachelor’s degrees at very affordable rates.

If you are looking for cheap bachelor’s degrees with certificates then this is definitely one you must consider.

#4. Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management

The Bachelor of Science degree in hospitality and tourism management is an interdisciplinary program that combines economics, business administration, and management to prepare students for careers in the field of hospitality. The program focuses on the study of human behavior, which is essential for understanding customer service and operations.

The program includes coursework in hospitality management, tourism marketing and management, hospitality finance, health and safety management, and food and nutrition management. You will also complete an internship with one of our partner companies.

We know you have probably got a lot on your plate right now, and we are not going to pretend like we don’t feel the same way. But we also want you to know that there are some things that are worth it, and one of those things is finding a cheap online bachelor’s degree in hospitality and tourism management.

Not only does this kind of degree give you all the skills and knowledge that will help you get a job in the industry, but it also gives you the chance to learn from industry experts who can guide your career and help make sure you get there. And with so many different schools offering this course, chances are good that there’s one near you that fits your budget and schedule.

#5. Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

The Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is a great way to learn about the world and how it works. It’s a perfect choice for those who are interested in learning about how people interact with one another on a daily basis, as well as how that affects their lives.

This degree program will teach you about social problems, how they are caused, and how they can be prevented or solved. You will also learn about deviant behavior and why some people act out of line despite the fact that society expects them to be civilized.

You will be taught about the various roles that people play within society, from politicians to athletes to entertainers like actors and musicians. You will also study sociology’s impact on culture as well as historical events such as wars or natural disasters.

This degree program requires you to complete 30 credits per semester which can be completed over two years if needed; however some students choose instead to take four years so they can graduate sooner than others might have been able to do so before starting college altogether.

I will advice anyone planning to further his/her education but don’t have enough money required for other courses out to there, to try out this course in an affordable and accredited university of your choice.

#6. Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences

This bachelors degree is offered by the University of Southern California with a tuition cost of $13,000 – $36,000 per year. The course requires 36 credits and can be completed in two years.

The course provides an extensive background in the field of health sciences, which includes topics such as anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Students who take this course will learn about the human body’s functions and how they relate to health problems. They will also examine how diseases are treated through different medical interventions and therapies.

This degree is designed for students who have an interest in the medical field and are interested in pursuing a career as a healthcare practitioner. The degree program is offered both online and on campus, but students should take note that they may not be able to use their credits from other schools toward this degree.

#7. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Sciences program is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in the computer sciences field. Students will develop an understanding of computer hardware and software, as well as how these technologies are integrated into a business environment.

The curriculum also includes classes that focus on business skills and principles, such as accounting, finance, marketing and human resources.

The price for the bachelor of science in computer sciences is approx. $40,000. This program is offered by Long Island University, which is one of the top universities in America. The courses are taught by professors who have a lot of knowledge about the subject. The tuition fee for this program is also very reasonable compared to other programs.

#8. Bachelor of Science in Marketing

This degree program prepares students for a career as a marketing professional. The program focuses on the principles of marketing, including how consumers interact with companies and the role that marketing plays in the success of these interactions. Students learn how to use research methods to develop effective strategies for increasing sales volume and market share.

The best part about this degree is that it comes with a certificate that can be used as proof of accomplishment when applying for jobs. This makes it easier than ever for graduates to enter the workforce, especially if they have been out of school for some time.

#9. Bachelor of Arts in History

This program offers a bachelor’s degree in history with a concentration in the study of European and World History. The coursework includes a variety of classes that are relevant to the study of history, including classes on the history of the Middle Ages, modern European and world history, classical civilizations, and world cultures.

Students will also take courses that focus on their own interests and goals, such as an independent study course or a capstone experience.

The program is offered by Florida International University, which is known for its affordable tuition rates for online degrees.

It cost $649 per credit hour.

#10. Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies.

The bachelor of arts in communication studies is a great choice for those who want to get their degree without having to worry about paying for it. The course itself takes only four years to complete, so you will be able to graduate in just five years.

The course is offered by the University of California at San Diego, which is one of the cheapest colleges in the world. In fact, if you have enough money saved up, you could probably pay for your tuition completely with scholarships and grants alone.

This degree is perfect for students who want a good-paying job after they graduate but don’t want to spend the rest of their lives working as a teacher or something similar. It also makes sense if you are just looking for something that will give you an excellent chance at landing a decent-paying job when you leave school.

There are many other programs that offer similar degrees at universities throughout the United States and even abroad. If cost isn’t an issue (or if you want a more hands-on learning experience), then there are plenty of other options out there.



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