
20+ BEST Websites for Free College Textbooks PDF (Download)

Yes! we are back from research, and we have found the best websites for free college textbooks pdf for both colleges and High schools. Not only that these websites the best, but they are also rated among the best websites for free college or university textbooks, High school textbooks, and E-books PDF for download.

The best websites for free college textbooks can be hard to find, but we have researched for you. We have compiled a list of the best sites that offer free PDFs of textbooks. This will make your life easier because all you have to do is go to the site and download your file.

If you are looking for good quality free textbooks, then this article is for you. We will cover everything from how to get free books to what kinds of books are available on these websites. So if you are looking for something new in terms of education then bookmark this article and read it whenever you want.

What is a free textbook?

A free textbook is a PDF file that you can download from the publisher’s website. You’ll usually have to enter your name and email address to get the file, but it’s usually available for a limited time or until the publisher runs out of copies.

Why should I use a free textbook?

Free textbooks are often easier to read than their paid counterparts. Many of them have been formatted with larger font sizes and clearer lines so that they’re easier on your eyes; others have been designed with an eye toward navigation so that you can easily find what you need.

You also don’t have to worry about paying hundreds of dollars for an expensive textbook when you can get one for free instead!

Who makes these free textbooks?

Many publishers offer their books in PDF format, which means they’re accessible to anyone with an Internet connection (even if they don’t own a computer).

Some publishers even offer printable versions of their books if you want something more tangible than just reading off a screen!

Which platform is one of the best for Reading Manga Series?

Mangakakalot is a popular online manga reading platform that has captured the hearts of manga enthusiasts worldwide. With its vast library of manga titles spanning various genres, it offers an engaging and interactive experience for manga fans.

Users can explore the platform’s extensive collection, discover hidden gems, and immerse themselves in the captivating world of manga.

One of the most interactive features of Mangakakalot is its user-friendly interface. Readers can easily navigate through the website, searching for their favorite manga series or exploring new ones.

The platform also encourages user engagement through comments and ratings. Readers can leave their thoughts and opinions on each manga chapter, fostering a sense of community and allowing for discussions about the story’s twists, character developments, and more.

Mangakakalot also stands out for its mobile-friendly design, making it convenient for users to enjoy manga on the go. Whether you’re commuting to work or relaxing at home, you can access your favorite manga series with ease.

The platform’s accessibility ensures that manga enthusiasts can enjoy their beloved stories anytime, anywhere, enhancing the overall interactive experience and connecting readers from around the world.

What are the best websites for free textbooks pdf?

The best websites for free textbooks PDFs are those that provide you with the most value and quality in a short amount of time. The most efficient method of finding these sites is by using a search engine like Google or Bing.

Simply type “free textbooks” into your search bar and see what comes up! If you don’t find the answer to your question, then message us on Facebook or drop a comment below.

How do I know if a textbook is good?

When you use any online textbook, it should be good because it will help you to get better grades in your classes. If you want to know whether a textbook is good or not, then it depends on how many people use it and their feedback with regards to it, If many people are using that book, then it means that the book is good enough for them.

List of Best Websites for free College Textbooks PDF for Download

We scoured the web to find the best websites for free college textbooks PDF, so you can download your favorite books and read them at home or on the go.

Here are some of these websites:

  1. Libre Texts
  2. Project Gutenberg
  3. Free
  4. Open Textbook Library
  7. Internet Archive Books
  8. Open Library
  9. Freeditorial
  11. Library Genesis
  12. PDF Grab
  13. Free Book Spot
  14. Scholarworks
  15. Digital Book Index

Libre Texts

Libre Texts is a website that allows you to download free textbooks in PDF format.

This website offers a wide variety of textbooks, including ones on philosophy, law, economics, and more. You can also find books on history, literature, and culture.

You will need an e-mail address to register for an account on this site; after creating your account, you’ll be able to access the databases of all the books available for download on Libre Texts.

This site also allows you to write and publish your books.

Visit Libre Texts

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a website where you can find free textbooks and other educational resources. It’s run by volunteers and doesn’t accept any money from the public.

The site has a variety of books available, including many classics and works that are older than the copyright on them. This means that anyone with access to the Internet can download one of these books easily and legally.

There are also several categories on the site: fiction, non-fiction, reference books, dictionaries, reference manuals, cookbooks, handbooks for professionals, magazines & newspapers, and so on. There are thousands of titles available on Project Gutenberg.

Project Gutenberg does not just offer free PDFs of books; you can also download audio versions of some of their works as well.

Visit Project Gutenberg


Free is a website that provides free textbooks, e-books, and other academic resources. You can download books in PDF format or read them online.

The website offers its users access to a large number of titles in all major academic disciplines. The site also offers its users the option of customizing their reading experience by choosing which chapters they want to read and how often they want to read them.

The site also allows you to add notes and highlights within the text itself so that you can always have your copy of a book at hand if needed.

The site has been around since 1998 and has been providing students with valuable resources since then. There are currently over 100,000 titles available from over 20,000 different publishers and authors on Free

Visit Free

Open Textbook Library

Open Textbook Library is a website that allows users to download free textbooks for their studies. The website has a wide range of books available, including subjects such as psychology, computer science, history, and more. It also provides free access to thousands of ebooks on subjects such as English language and literature.

The website has been around since 2012 and has grown considerably since then. The website offers both print and digital versions of their books along with an option for users to purchase the eBook version if they prefer instead of reading it online or downloading it through their browser window.

Users can search for different topics using keywords such as “humanities” or “health” which will help them find what they are looking for faster than browsing through each page individually on the website itself. Users can also filter out certain categories by clicking on one of these categories which will provide them with all books that fall under that particular category.

Visit Open Textbook Library is one of the most popular websites for the download of free textbooks, especially for those who are looking for good-quality PDF books. They have a huge number of books available on their website, which makes it easy for you to find what you need.

The books that are available on this website are mostly from renowned publishers like Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. The content of these books is also excellent and relevant for all students worldwide. You can also get access to some other types of books such as ebooks, magazines, journals, and many more.

Visit Manybook

Bookboon is a website where you can find textbooks for free. It’s a great website for students who are looking for free textbooks because it has a wide variety of topics and subjects, as well as many different languages. The books have been written by professors who have taught in universities around the world.

You can find all sorts of books from fiction to non-fiction, including books on science and math. You can also find books about government, history, literature, psychology, and more.

The site features some cool features like the ability to search among the titles available by subject or language (there are over 100 languages available). You can also add books to your favorites list so that you can easily find them later on.

Visit Bookboon

Internet Archive Books

Internet Archive, a non-profit organization, has made it possible for you to download the books you want for free.

This website has a large collection of downloadable PDFs, including novels and textbooks. It also includes PDFs of magazines and newspapers.

The website is easy to use and navigate. You can search for a specific book by author or title, and download it directly from their website.

Visit Internet Archive Books

Open Textbook Library

Open textbook library is a website that provides you with free textbooks for various courses. The website is maintained by the Open Textbook Library, a non-profit organization that provides free educational resources to students, teachers, and professionals worldwide.

The website has a variety of books available for different subjects and subjects are updated regularly. The books are also available in various formats like PDF, ePub, MOBI, and HTML. The site also has an app that can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

This website was launched in 2011 by Mark Almond and Rajesh Deodhar who wanted to make the world’s largest collection of free textbooks available online. Today this site hosts over 100,000 titles across 17 subject areas including mathematics, physics, economics, business studies, etc.

Visit Open Textbook Library


Freeditorial is a website dedicated to providing students with free PDFs of textbooks. They have over 300,000 books that are available for download from their site.

They also have several other features on the site, including an opportunity to write reviews and leave comments about your favorite books.

The site is easy to navigate and has very clear categories that make it easy to find what you are looking for. You can also search by subject area, which allows you to find courses that will help you get ready for finals or other big tests. There are also options for advanced learners who want to learn more about their specific subjects.

Visit Freeditorial is a website that offers free textbooks for students. They have a large collection of books that can be downloaded in PDF format, which means you don’t have to worry about getting a copy of the book from your school or university. The books are available in several different subjects, so you’ll be sure to find something that fits your needs.

This website provides access to more than 1,000 different textbooks that cover many different topics, including biology, chemistry, and physics. These books are easy to read and provide valuable information about their contents.

OpenStax also offers online courses on topics such as statistics, calculus, and probability theory. These courses provide additional information about these subjects and how they can be applied in practical situations.

Visit OpenStax

Library Genesis

Library Genesis is a website that offers free textbooks in PDF format. The site has over 1,000 books available for download, and they are all free.

All of the books on this site are available in PDF format and may include audio versions as well. This makes it easy to listen to the book while you read it. You can also search by author or subject if you know what you want to find.

The books on Library Genesis are divided into categories like business and management, computer science, engineering and technology, humanities and social sciences, and more. Each category has several subcategories within it, which makes it easy to find whatever kind of book you’re looking for.

The site also includes links to other sites with free ebooks as well as links to other resources like dictionaries, encyclopedias, and grammar guides so that you can learn more about language in general if not specific topics related specifically to your coursework.

Visit Library Genesis


Scholarworks is a free ebook library that provides a wide range of textbooks and educational materials. The website features over 16000 books, including psychology and sociology textbooks, business textbooks, and even medical textbooks.

The site is available in PDF format and can be downloaded for free. The majority of the books on the site are available in either Kindle or Nook format, which means that you can easily read these ebooks on your tablet or smartphone.

Scholarworks also offers many other useful resources for students such as study guides and study tools to help you prepare for exams.

Visit Scholarworks

Digital Book Index

Digital Book Index is an online database of books that you can read online. It’s not just a list of books but also includes audio and video books, as well as ebooks. They have a wide selection of books in different subject areas and formats. If you’re looking for free textbooks pdf, this is the place to go.

The Digital Book Index has more than 25 million volumes available for download in PDF format. The site also provides links to helpful information about each book’s author and publisher.

This means you can learn about any author or publisher before downloading their work from Digital Book Index, so you don’t have to wait until after your class ends to get started reading.

Visit the Digital Book Index

PDF Grab

PDF Grab is a website that offers free textbooks for download. The website also has books in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, and Chinese.

The site claims to have over 3 million books in its database. In addition to offering PDFs for free, PDF Grab can also be used as a search engine to find books by keyword or author name.

The site also offers 30-day trial periods, so if you’re not satisfied with your copy of the book, you can simply cancel it within that period and get a refund.

Visit PDF Grab

Free Book Spot

Free Book Spot is a website that provides free textbooks, as well as other educational resources.

The website allows users to search for books by title or author, and it also offers book summaries and reviews. Users can also browse through featured books, which are available for free.

The site has a collection of more than 10,000 free educational books available for download.

One thing I like about this website is how easy it is to navigate around their site. You can search for any course by title or topic, or use the search bar at the top of the page to find something specific.

The navigation is simple and easy to follow, which makes it great for students who want to find some quick help for their homework assignments.

Visit Free Book Spot



All the websites listed and explained above are the top best websites for free college textbooks pdf for download and online reading.

Most of the above-listed websites also allow you to publish your textbook copies and attend fast to questions and problems regarding the published books on their site.

Please do well to drop a comment if this article was helpful or if you need us in anything, we will reply faster than you expected!

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